Cost of Living Support

$400 School Saving Bonus
Parents and Caregivers of children at a government schools will be able to access a one-off $400 bonus to help ease the pressure on household budgets.
Families will be able to choose how they allocate their funds, whether that’s a uniform and textbook voucher – or adding money to their school account for camps, excursions or other extracurricular activities.
Non-government school families who are eligible for the means-tested Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (including healthcare and concession card holders) are eligible for the School Saving Bonus. For these families, the $400 will be provided directly to each school – to be managed in consultation with the student's family and in line with the intent of the program.
To find out more visit

School Breakfast Club Expanding
The School Breakfast Club is expanding to every Victorian government school.
The Government invested $21.1 million in the Victorian Budget 2024/25 to expand the program to every government school, bringing total investment in the program since 2016 to $162.3 million.
Since the expanded investment, more than 40 additional schools have joined up to the program. In total, 150 additional schools will join the program by June 2025.
By June 2026, all government schools in the state will have had the chance to opt in – with the program set to support up to 200,000 students. The program is delivered in partnership with Foodbank Victoria.
To find out more visit

Get Active Kids $200 Voucher
Helping eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation.
Eligible children may receive up to $200 to cover the costs for membership and registration fees.
To find out more visit

Victorian Default Offer
The Victorian Default Offer that provides Victorian consumers access to a fair electricity deal, saving the average household an additional $100 on their energy bills.
The default offer is set each year after assessing the efficient costs retailers need to recover to provide electricity to Victorian customers.
To find out more visit

Urgent Care Clinics
Urgent Care Clinics provide GP-led care to people who need urgent care, but not an emergency response.
The clinics are free for anyone with or without a Medicare card.
People can seek care for a range of reasons including sprains, broken bones, mild burns, respiratory illness, tonsilitis, ear infections and urinary tract infections.
For more information visit

We’ve Made Kinder Free (Permanently)
This is the biggest overhaul to early childhood education in Victoria. Here’s what you need to know:
- From 2023, three and four year old kinder will be free meaning families will save up to $2,500 a year for every child.
- From 2025, we’ll begin to open 50 government owned child care centres across the State in areas that need them most.
- And also from 2025 we’ll transition from 15 hours of four year old kinder to a 30 hour pre-prep program of play-based learning for every four-year-old child in Victoria.
It’s about putting money back in your pocket—and giving every young Victorian the very best start in life.
To find out more, go to

Over 70 Free TAFE Courses
There has never been a better time to upskill, change or kick-start your career with the State Labor Government’s Free TAFE initiative.
Free TAFE covers tuition fees for students who are eligible for government-subsidised training.
Free TAFE offers more than 70 courses across growth industries, including Early Childhood Education, Health, Construction & Infrastructure, Agriculture, Hospitality and Community & Disability Services.
With thousands of jobs available in these industries now and in the future – find a free TAFE course that’s right for you.
For more visit or call 13 18 23.

Free L and P licences
We’re making L and P licences free!
New learner drivers will save up to $51.40 in learner licencing and online testing fees. While probationary drivers will save up to $133.30 in probationary licence and online hazard perception testing fees.
For more info go here -

Safe Driver Reward
We’ve brought back the Safe Driver Discount. Full licence holders (car, motorcycle, and heavy vehicle) who haven't incurred demerit points or committed other road safety offences for three years prior to their licence renewal will receive a 25 per cent discount on their next renewal as part of the Safe Driver Discount program.
For more info go here -

Delivering the Sick Pay Guarantee
You shouldn’t have to choose between a day’s pay and looking after you and your loved ones health.
That’s why the Victorian Government has introduced the Sick Pay Guarantee. Eligible casual and contract workers in many industries can now register online, and access up to five days of sick and carer’s pay per year.
And as part of the 2-year pilot, the Government is doing all the admin for the program and making payments directly to workers—meaning no extra paperwork for businesses.
Head to to find out more and check if you are eligible.

Free to Study Nursing and Teaching
All new domestic students enrolled in a professional-entry nursing or midwifery course in 2024 will receive a scholarship of up to $16,500 to cover course costs – $9,000 while they study and the remaining $7,500 if they go on to work in Victorian public health services for two years.
Scholarships are also available for thousands more experienced nurses who complete postgraduate studies in areas of need – or for enrolled nurses who want to upskill and become registered nurses.
Students who complete their teaching degrees and then choose to work in government secondary schools for two years will receive a scholarship to the value of their HELP loans.
For more information about nursing scholarships, visit For teaching scholarships, visit

Solar Victoria Rebates
We’re helping Victorians make the switch to solar, save on power bills and build a cleaner, renewable future.
You may be eligible for a rebate for installing solar panels, a solar battery or solar hot water system.
We also provide rebates for eligible owner-occupier and rental properties to upgrade to energy efficient reverse-cycle air conditioners.
For more info go to or call 1300 376 393.

Fairer Regional Fares
From 31 March 2023, no matter where you live in Victoria, it will cost you the same amount to travel. The most you’ll pay is the same as a daily capped fare, which is currently $10.60.
For shorter regional trips, it will be even less.
And with weekend saver discounts, travel on Victoria’s regional network on weekends and public holidays, and your daily fare will currently only be $7.20 or $3.60 concession.
Because that’s just fair. More here -

Introduced Short Term Rego Renewal
Pay less upfront when you choose a 3 or 6 month registration renewal. Short-term rego payment gives people more flexibility with how and when they pay – helping them manage their household budget.
And hundreds of thousands of Victorians are now paying their registration every three months or every six months, allowing them to pay less upfront and spread the cost of renewing their registration across the year.
For more info go here -

Free Registration for Eligible Trade Apprentices
If you’re a trade apprentice using your car for work, you may be eligible to get 100% off your registration renewal.
To find out more visit