Delivering for Bellarine

* Barwon Heads Football Netball Club Pavillion Upgrade: $2.40
million to redevelop the clubrooms.
* Collendina Reserve Ocean Grove: $1.00 million towards the delivery of upgrades at Collendina Reserve, Ocean Grove with safety improvements.
* North Bellarine Aquatic and Leisure Centre: $20.00 million towards the delivery of upgrades at North Bellarine Aquatic and Leisure Centre.
* Portarlington Recreation Reserve Masterplan Funding: $3.15
million to support the delivery of the Portarlington Recreation Reserve Masterplan

* St Leonards - boat ramp: $2.80 million to improve the St Leonards boat ramp, including wave attenuation to reduce impacts of waves during the launching and retrieval process.
* St Leonards Pier: $20.50 million to improve safety and support local jobs through major works to re‐build the St Leonards Pier on the Bellarine Peninsula
* St Leonards Progress Association Hall: $100,000 towards an upgrade of St Leonards Progress Association Hall, enabling the Association to continue to deliver services and programs to the community.

* Neighbourhood Battery for Queenscliff
Invest $42 million to install 100 neighbourhood batteries across Victoria, tripling the number of homes with access to a battery and providing crucial extra storage capacity for local communities.
* Queenscliff MSAR : $2.21 million to provide a new marine search and rescue vessel for Queenscliff
* Protecting Waterways & Green Links fund: $10.00 million
Establish a $10 million Green Links fund which will improve biodiversity and amenity in priority urban waterway Landscapes that have Traditional Owner and community support established through the government’s Waterways of the West and Rivers of the Barwon (Barre Warre Yulluk) Action Plans (the Action Plans) and Burndap Birrarung burndap umarkoo, the Yarra Strategic Plan (YSP).
* Bringing back the SEC
We’ll revive the SEC as an active energy market participant and make an initial investment of $1 billion to replace unreliable and privately owned coal with cleaner and cheaper renewable energy – with all profits
invested back into the network.

* Wallington Primary School: $2.10 million to upgrade to the main school building.
* SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre: $50,000 grant for continued service to the community.
* The Gordon TAFE Disability Services Hub and Student Hub: Up to
$36 million towards the Gordon’s Disability Services Hub and to redevelop the Student Hub. Based within close proximity of the National Disability Insurance Agency, TAC and work safe this will provide training for people
with disabilities to be able to train to work in their field. Professional development opportunities will also be provided to the disability workforce.
* Best Start, Best Life: Best Kinders for Victorian Kids
Funding is provided to continue delivery of the Best Start, Best Life initiative to progressively transition four year-old kindergarten to Pre-Prep, providing 30 hours per week of play-based learning by 2032.
* Best Start, Best Life: Free Kinder
Funding is provided to continue the delivery of free kindergarten programs for three and four-year-olds in participating services.
* A new clean energy pathway for schools
Funding is provided to introduce a clean energy Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathway to the VCE Vocational Major from 2024.
* Backing TAFE for the skills Victoria needs
Funding is provided to amend training subsidy eligibility criteria to make subsidised training courses, including Free TAFE, more widely available to people returning to study. This also includes a change to the once-in-a-lifetime limit on enrolling in a FreeTAFE course, to allow students to access multiple Free TAFE courses along priority training pathways

* Barwon Health - Women's Health Clinic
Invest almost $58 million to deliver on our commitment to create 20 comprehensive women’s health clinics across Victoria – a one‐stop shop for women needing treatment or advice on issues from contraception to pelvic pain.
* More support for our nurses and midwives
We've made it free to study nursing and enshrined nurse-to-patient ratios in law. Now, we’ll do even more to give nurses the support they need to keep caring for Victorians.
* Public fertility services care for more Victorian families
Funding is provided to extend and expand public fertility care services to deliver more treatment cycles every year, enabling more Victorians to access services including those living in regional areas.
* Smile Squad for low-fee Catholic and Independent schools
Funding is provided to expand the school dental program (Smile Squad) to low-fee non-government primary and secondary schools commencing in the 2026 calendar year.
* Backing pharmacists to boost our health system
Funding is provided to support a pilot for community pharmacists to treat straightforward urinary tract infections, common skin conditions, and reissue contraceptive prescriptions as well as administer travel vaccinations and more public health vaccinations.

* Free registration for our hard-working apprentices and tradies
The current 50 per cent discount on motor vehicle registration for eligible trade apprentices will be expanded to 100 per cent, to support the skills of the next generation of Victorian workers.
* Cheaper public transport fares for the regions
Funding is provided to reduce the cost of regional public transport across Victoria. From 31 March 2023, regional fares are capped at the same price as metropolitan zone 1+2 fares. Regional myki passes are capped at the metropolitan prices.
* Road maintenance
Well‑maintained roads are safer roads. This Budget continues our work to build a safer road network, with $2.8 billion for a program of road maintenance and renewal and flood recovery works across the metropolitan and regional road network.
* Tiny Towns Fund
Funding is provided for grants to eligible community groups, local organisations and councils in towns with populations under 5,000 to support delivery of community infrastructure, facilities and capacity-building projects.

* Victorian Veterans Card
Funding to deliver the Victorian Veterans Card to provide concessions and fee reductions to Victorian veterans on vehicle and trailer registration, public transport, and fishing and boating licences.
* Women
Free pads and tampons in public places - funding is provided to supply free sanitary items across Victoria. 1500 sanitary dispenser machines with free
pads and tampons will be installed in up to 700 public sites across Victoria.
* Major events fund
$23 million to expand the Major Events Fund, promoting Victoria’s calendar of events and strengthening our position as the nation’s top location for major events.
* Supporting the next generation of paramedics
Funding is provided to train and deploy 25 paramedic practitioners to respond to and provide urgent care in the community, as well as train an additional 40 Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance paramedics.