A More Accessible St Leonards Bowling Club

A More Accessible St Leonards Bowling Club Main Image

14 February 2024

From barefoot to all-abilities bowls, players of all ages can now enjoy new accessible change facilities and more at the St Leonards Bowling Club thanks to the Allan Labor Government.

Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant today formally opened the club’s new accessible change and decking facilities, made possible by a $250,000 grant from the Victorian Government.

Since 1963, the St Leonards Bowling Club has been a focal point of bowls in the area. Today membership has grown to more than 250 members participating in a range of programs including social and competition bowls.

Upgrades to the facility include upgrades to the existing player change rooms to improve accessibility. There’s also a new accessible toilet and a parents’ room.

New accessible decking, adjacent to the greens, now has a generous space for members, visiting bowlers, local businesses and community organisations to host events of any kind.

The club can now build on its membership, host more intra and interclub tournaments, continue its strong engagement with the local community, and cater for all abilities participants.

The Victorian Budget 2023/24 is providing more than $213 million to deliver and improve community sports infrastructure and support initiatives that boost participation and inclusion in local sports clubs and organisations.

This brings the Victorian Government’s investment into community sport and active recreation infrastructure to more than $1.9 billion over the past decade.

Alison Marchant MP acknowledged St Leonards Bowling Club for its financial contribution of $24,000 along with another $36,000 worth of in-kind support to deliver the upgrades.

For more information about sport infrastructure grant opportunities available through the Victorian Government visit www.sport.vic.gov.au

Quotes attributable to Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant

“The St Leonards community deserve appropriate facilities that they can be proud of.”

“The new accessible change areas and decking are a great asset for local bowls, providing the club the opportunity to welcome more players and reinforce its reputation as a social hub.”

“Better sport and recreation facilities make it easier for Victorians to get involved in local sport and recreation and lead healthy and active lifestyles.”