25 July 2023

Tuesday, 25 July 2023


The Andrews Labor Government is giving community groups a funding boost so that Port Phillip Bay’s marine and coastal environment remains protected.

Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant today announced grants for this year’s $1.6 million Port Phillip Bay Fund have been awarded to protect the biodiversity of the bay.

The latest round of funding will support a wide range of community groups including not-for-profit organisations, schools and Traditional Owners groups to deliver 28 projects - improving the Port Phillip Bay’s health, habitat and wildlife.

Grants of up to $100,000 were available for innovative, large-scale projects, while smaller projects received up to $25,000 to directly benefit the coastal and marine environments of the bay.

Successful recipients in the Bellarine include:

  • Bellarine Bayside Foreshore Committee of Management were successful in receiving a grant for their Inclusive Cultural and Environmental Education Opportunities on the Bellarine project which aims to education participants on the cultural and environment values of Port Phillip Bay through practical inclusive activities.


  • Bellarine North Rotary Club were successful in their application for their Indented Head Weed Eradication and Replanting project which aims to remove invasive weed species along the foreshore between Indented Head and St Leonards, and instead revegetate the area with endemic plant species.


  • Jane Goodall Institute Australia were successful in receiving a grant for their Mud Island Conservation Project in which youth environmental volunteers will be trained to undertake conservation works, including the removal of sea spurge on Mud Island with support from Parks Victoria.

Port Phillip Bay is home to over 10,000 species of marine life, making it one of Victoria’s most important ecosystems. It also remains a major tourist destination supporting recreational activities such as swimming, fishing and snorkelling.

Since 2016, the Port Phillip Bay Fund has provided more than $13.71 million in grants across 187 projects which includes reef restoration, marine life monitoring, water quality improvements and litter control. 

The Fund is in line with the Labor Government’s Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan 2027 which aims to keep the bay’s biodiversity healthy and resilient over the coming decade.   

For more information on the strategy, please visit marineandcoasts.vic.gov.au/marine-and-coastal-knowledge/port-phillip-bay.

Quotes attributable to Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant

“Victoria is fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers and not-for-profit groups that are working hard to preserve our marine and coastal environments.”