Victoria's First Inquiry into Women's Pain Now Open for Submissions

06 February 2024

The Victorian Government’s landmark Women’s Health Survey found that four in 10 Victorian women live with chronic pain.

From over 1,700 Victorian women who responded to the survey, one in three have conditions that affect their ability to work, and 20 per cent have skipped social activities because of their health.

This confirms what Victorian women already know; their health hasn’t been taken seriously, their pain is real – but is too often overlooked and underdiagnosed.

Not looking after women’s health is holding back more than half of the population from reaching their full potential. It’s a problem that affects women in every corner of our state.

The Victorian Government is taking real steps towards addressing this issue and improving the lives, well-being, and health outcomes of women.

Last month, the Premier announced Victoria's first inquiry into women's pain, to examine systemic issues and hear directly from women about their own experiences.

The Victorian Government invites members of the community to provide submissions so that we can understand lived experience and help to improve patient care.

Submissions are open from 30 January to 12 March. To have your say, visit

The State Government is already delivering more women's health clinics, recruiting more women's health specialists, supporting more women’s surgeries, and establishing dedicated women’s health hubs right across the state.

These outcomes could only be achieved by taking the time to listen and to learn.

Quotes attributed to Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant:

“The Women’s Pain Inquiry is so important and so needed. I encourage all women to have their say so we can improve the health and experiences of women and girls.”

“It’s clear women’s health needs more attention, and the Allen Labor Government is consistently expanding health services available to women and girls. But there is more to do and we’re ready to listen.”