Adjournment: Landcare Grant Recipients

01 November 2023

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My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Environment, and the action I seek is for the minister to meet with a number of recipients of the recent 2023 Victorian Landcare grants. In the Bellarine we have several incredible environmental and Landcare groups that have recently received these Victorian Landcare grants to help volunteers protect and restore our beautiful landscapes. Bellarine Landcare Group, Swan Bay Environment Association and Bellarine Catchment Network were successful in receiving project grants to support on-ground work and community engagement and education that protect and improve our natural environment. Friends of Begola Wetlands, Ocean Grove Coastcare, Clifton Springs Curlewis Coastcare and Surf Coast and Inland Plains Landcare network were recipients of Landcare support grants, which will help and assist with the associated costs for their community group. We also had St Aloysius Catholic Primary School, St Leonards Primary School, Surfside Primary School and Leopold Primary School as recipients of the 2023 Junior Landcare and Biodiversity grants, which provided funding for projects that involve and educate young people in valuing and caring for Victoria’s biodiversity and natural environment. I am very proud of these groups, and others, and their volunteers that work extremely hard in the Bellarine community in dedicating their energies towards protecting and restoring our environment. I know they will greatly appreciate and welcome the minister.