Adjournment: Rivers of the Barwon (Barre Warre Yulluk) Action Plan

02 August 2023

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My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Water, and the action that I seek is for the minister to join me and meet with community groups in the Bellarine to assist the community in understanding the progression of the Rivers of the Barwon (Barre Warre Yulluk) Action Plan.

The Barwon River and catchment has some of the state’s most stressed waterways, and significant population growth as well as climate change are expected to place increasing pressures on the health of the catchment’s waterways and its natural landscape. Simultaneously, the waterways are very much high-value places for people in my electorate to connect to nature and with each other and to support their health and wellbeing.

In recognising these challenges, the recent state budget had invested $10 million to establish a Green Links fund that will provide a long-term strategic plan in response to these biodiversity and amenity priorities. Having traditional owner and community support for this plan has been a wonderful initiative, but I know that the local community groups in the Bellarine would greatly appreciate the minister coming down to the Bellarine to discuss any upcoming plans. So the action that I seek is that the minister join me and meet with community groups to assist the community in understanding that progression of the rivers of the Barwon action plan.