Adjournment: Wallington Primary School

28 May 2024

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My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action I seek is for the minister to provide an update and timeline for the Wallington Primary School. Wallington Primary School is an incredible local school that has served the community since 1868 and is a much-loved part of the Bellarine, in the rural part of the Bellarine. I was proud to announce a commitment at the last election for $2.1 million. This investment was in last year’s 2023–24 budget for an upgrade to the main building and classrooms. This was in addition to the $580,000 we had already invested in this excellent school. I understand an architect has been appointed, at the end of last year, and I look forward to hearing an update on the timeline for this project, as the students and school community as well as the greater Wallington community are very excited to see the work commence on the school to improve and update their facilities.