Adjournment: Wallington Primary School

23 June 2023

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My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education.

The action I seek is for the minister to join me and meet with the Wallington Primary School to discuss the upgrades to the main school building announced in the recent 2023–24 state budget.

Wallington Primary School is a great local school led by an incredible and dedicated staff. Wallington Primary School has served the Wallington community since 1868 and has a really small, country feel about it, and it is a much-loved part of the Bellarine community.

In recognising this and supporting the local school and community the recent state budget is investing $2.1 million to upgrade the main building and the classrooms, adding to the $580,000 we have already invested in Wallington Primary School – an excellent school for local families.

The community are all very excited to see this project get underway to improve the school’s facilities and longevity. I know the school would welcome the minister visiting to discuss the upcoming upgrades.