Constituency Question: Road Safety

29 August 2023

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My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Minister, could you please provide an update on the Andrews Labor government’s plans to increase pedestrian safety when crossing roads in my electorate of the Bellarine? I have received concerns from members of my community, including school bus drivers, about the accessibility and safety of pedestrian crossings in my electorate, especially at the intersection of Shell Road and Grubb Road in Ocean Grove. Could the minister please provide an update on whether the government has any plans to provide new crossings in this area. With the population growth that we have seen on the Bellarine, traffic on our roads is only getting busier. Therefore updating our road crossings to ensure the safety of pedestrians in crossing roads is more important than ever. I know the Bellarine community would greatly appreciate it if there were upgrades to make sure that this ensures the safety of both adults and schoolchildren when crossing this busy road in this region.