Constituency Question: Road Safety

20 June 2023

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My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Minister, with the recent state budget committing an extra $2.8 billion to be spent on road maintenance over the next 10 years to repair roads across the state, could you please provide an update on how the 2023–24 state budget will improve our regional roads and what this will achieve for the Bellarine? Many constituents have raised their concerns with me over the conditions of our roads in the Bellarine, and I know it is important for Bellarine constituents to have roads to get them where they need to go and that can handle the increased traffic throughout the year. The Bellarine is a popular holiday destination area, with our roads getting increasingly busy over the holiday period and many tourists also needing confidence in the roads that people are travelling on. So I ask the Minister for Roads and Road Safety how this budget will improve our regional roads and what this will achieve for the Bellarine.